
Syndrome where you sympathize with your captor
Syndrome where you sympathize with your captor

Making him think that he is wrong in believing that he knew him before because that would give the impression that he had a life before HYDRA and we wouldn’t want that, would we? And Pierce tells him that Steve was someone that Bucky met in another assignment. He has moments where he questions things. Why? Because underneath all the implants, Bucky is still a human being. So, Pierce slaps him and instead of becoming agitated or questioning why he is getting slapped, Bucky asks about Steve. You can see the deadness in his eyes just like someone who has been stripped of his humanity.Pierce gets more aggressive, and there is still no response so Pierce ends up needing to physically assault him in order to get Bucky out of his zombie-like state. So Pierce shows up demanding for a mission report, and Bucky just sits there with an empty stare. He becomes so erratic that he ends up throwing the scientist across the room and they are forced to call the big guns, which in this case is Pierce. He remembers falling, being dragged through the snow, getting his arm sawed off and then getting put on ice. The first thing we see is Bucky sitting there while some scientist tries to fix his metal arm, and he suddenly begins to remember what happened to him. It is not just the physical abuse, but the psychological trauma that Bucky has suffered through the years. The scene inside the Red Room is really disturbing because it speaks levels on how injured Bucky really is. A syndrome in which hostages identify and sympathize with their captors on whom they depend for survival.

Syndrome where you sympathize with your captor